Practicing Sustainability

Osa Mountain Village Resort is dedicated to sustainable practices. While we are still a new resort with construction still underway, we are implementing many permanent environmental and economically sustainable practices for the long term protection and well being of our property. We are in the process of working towards our goal of a 5 leaf certification awarded by The Certification In Sustainable Tourism Program which is sponsored by the Costa Rican Tourism Institute. Our goal is to be a world class example of sustainable tourism.

Native Hospitality

One important thing we are doing includes hiring local residents from Canton de Osa to build and maintain the resort development. Time and time again you will hear tourists who have visited Costa Rica say that the people of the country are one of the main reasons their vacation in Costa Rica was such an amazing experience to remember. The people of Costa Rica are beautiful both inside and out and take pride in their way of life which is often referred to as ‘Pura Vida’. Our goal is to embody the pura vida spirit in everything we do so that you can experience all this wonderful country has to offer without fear or worry.


We produce our own soil and compost on site which is used in our gardens and other landscaped areas of the property. Recycling programs to deal with ‘waste’ products created by the resort are being developed by our team of biological engineers. We believe ‘waste’ is an obsolete term since many things considered to be ‘waste’ can be used to create bio fuels and fertilizers.

Natural Spring Water

The upper levels of our property have several natural springs that run year round and provide clean pure water to the resort. The water is regularly tested for purity by an independent lab.

Food Sustainability

Osa Mountain Village has a sustainable farm that practices permaculture principles. We already produce much of our own organic food with the goal of providing up to 80 percent of the food for our guests from our own green houses, edible landscape and permaculture gardens.

Biodegradable Products

The resort uses cleaning products that are biodegradable. Harsh chemical cleaners such as chlorine are not used and wherever possible organic alternatives are used.

Energy Conservation

Our location in the southern pacific region lends itself well to the use of solar energy as we have a good deal of sun throughout most of the year. We are also examining the possibility of using the river that flows through our property to generate electric power through micro-hydro plants during the time of the year when there is less sun and more rain which increases the flow of the river and may be able to provide us with substantial power during that time of the year. This method does not produce any environmental pollution nor contaminate the water so it can be used for any purpose downstream.


Biodigesters will be used to create natural methane gas for cooking in the restaurant kitchens. Each biodigester is attached to the public toilets and creates methane gas by breaking down human and animal waste products. This system is very clean, easy to build and extremely cost effective.